A Promise of a Private and Secure Service

We can't see any of your files.

The only people that can access your cat pics are yourself, and whomever you send them to.

We can't see any of your messages.

Every message you send is always peer-to-peer encrypted with TLS or DTLS encryption.

We only collect the bare-minimum.

A file transfer app doesn't need to know much about you. We only collect what's necessary.

Privacy Policy

Updated: 17 August 2024


Arc is a file transfer product; it doesn’t need to know much about you to deliver an excellent experience. Arc is also not a data-driven product – not for the core functionality, nor for the monetisation. The foundation of Arc is a private and secure file transfer service.

Our promise to you is that Arc will always be built around this core foundation. Any identifiable data collected from you will always require your explicit approval, and will exclusively be used for the functionality of your experience – never for processing or for sale to third-parties.

Important Definitions

1. Arc

The app that can be installed on Windows through the Microsoft Store, MacOS, iPadOS and iOS through the Apple App Store, and on Android through the Google Play Store.

2. Arc Link

A service within Arc that allows you to transfer files and messages between devices over the internet using WebRTC. May also be referred to as "Internet Transfer".

3. Local Network

The network (over Wi-Fi, Ethernet or Bluetooth) that your devices are connected to.

What Arc Collects

Data linked to your identity

Account information

When you sign into Arc, we collect your name, a unique ID, and the email address associated with your account.


  • To link a premium plan to a shared account between your devices

  • To show the devices connected to through your account

  • To facilitate transfers between devices not linked to your account

Device identifiers

We collect some basic device identifiers - a unique ID, operating system, version of Arc installed and device model and manufacturer.


  • To understand the distribution of devices across our service

  • To debug issues that may occur in specific models of devices, or operating systems

  • To help Arc Link connect your devices

Data not linked to you (for product analytics)

Basic stats on files

We collect the size of your files, and the file extensions transferred. No other data relating to files is ever collected.

Product usage & crashes

We collect basic product usage data, like the pages you open in the app, or when you send or receive data, as well as crash logs and bug reports.

Safety of Your Files/Messages

Safety of Files

When transferring files between two devices on your local network, your transfers are peer-to-peer encrypted using DTLS. This means that your files never touch the internet, and nobody except the device you’re sending from and the device that’s receiving will ever be able to access that data.

When using Arc, your data is sent over the internet using WebRTC. Your connection is always encrypted peer-to-peer using DTLS. Arc Link may use a relay server (TURN server provided by Cloudflare) to connect if the devices are unable to connect directly. Your connection is encrypted peer-to-peer even when a relay server is used.

Encryption of Messages

When sending text messages or links between two devices, your messages are peer-to-peer encrypted using DTLS, just like with files.

If You Have Any Questions...

The door's always open to ask questions about your data and how Arc collects and uses it. If you have any questions at all, feel free to reach out to aneesh@arctransfer.co.